Serendipity Boosts Your Business Strategy

article5-28-13I’ve been invited to speak at a big conference in June.  Over 7000 people will be there, including lots of my consulting clients.  So it’s a great opportunity.

I’m excited!  And more than a little nervous!

The topic?  The Secret of Stellar Careers: Serendipity + Planning = Success (my title – amps up the fun factor!).  I’ll be speaking as part of a panel of experts.

This speaking opportunity was unexpected.  And it’s already been really valuable.  I’ve gotten to know the other three panelists in a way I wouldn’t have otherwise, and new connections have been created.  Also, whoever is drawn to hear them speak will also hear me, so I have the opportunity to connect with more people.

The whole experience got me thinking more about serendipity, often defined as luck or chance.

The thing is, I don’t believe in luck.

I believe that there are no accidents, and that serendipity is just opportunity presenting itself to you in a new way.

And if you choose to believe, as I do, that the universe is a friendly place, it might be opportunity presented to you in a way that you can more easily accept.

When I was several years into my consulting business, I was approached by a client to do something really different.  ‘Do you do training?’ was the question.  I thought about it for about a moment, summoned up my courage, and then said, yes!

Though I hadn’t done corporate training to that point, I had been teaching for years in various forms.  And I knew two people who did know this arena.  I called them up.

That question led to years of training work.  I loved it!  I loved the design process with my colleagues, Belinda and Debbie.  I loved facilitating.  And I loved working with people to get their own a-ha’s about their team’s dynamics, or communicating, or how they could influence things in their company.

Business opportunities don’t always come up in the way you expect.

You might think it’s only about the seed of an idea that is nurtured and slowly grown.

You might think that opportunities arise because you have trained for years about that specific thing.

You might think that it’s your strategy that determines everything.

Opportunity is much bigger than that.

Be alert to serendipity.

Opportunities aren’t just ones you meticulously create.

Don’t get me wrong.  I am a HUGE fan of strategy!

But to rely on strategy alone robs you of all kinds of opportunities.  Serendipity is the booster rocket for your strategy.

How do you invite serendipity?   Here are 5 ways:

1.  Part of allowing serendipity to find you is to be out there.  Be visibleConnect with people, in person and via social media.  It’s a way to make finding you and offering you opportunities that much easier.  I’d originally discussed the possibility of giving a workshop with the conference organizers.  If I hadn’t put that out there, they wouldn’t have known about me for the panel.  Make it easy for serendipity to find you.

2.  When an unexpected opportunity presents itself, accept it.  Gratefully embrace it.  GO for it!  When my client asked me about training, I had good reason to say no.  Every logical reason.  Instead, I surprised myself, and went for it.  Why?  Because I love teaching, and I knew I could figure out a way to provide value to this client.  Her invitation was the start of a new way I could be of service to new clients as well.  And it was all part of the journey that led me to the coaching work I do today.  (And I’m deeply grateful for that! Yay!!!)

3.  Even when opportunity doesn’t look like you expected, it can still be a great opportunity!  Take a close look when new possibilities present themselves.  It may not look the way you think it should.  It may take a shift in your thinking to see it.  Make the effort – it’s worth it!  Having a vision is great – it pulls you to the outcome you want.  But you don’t want to get tunnel vision.  Embracing a new opportunity opens you up to all kinds of things you would never have had access to before.

4.  Be grateful for opportunities that do come up.  Gratitude invites more of the same.  So when you are grateful for an awesome new opportunity, you open yourself to more and more.  Be open about your gratitude.  Tell the people you work with, your staff, if you have them, your family and friends, even your clients.  This sharing lets you become more and more aware of your opportunity.  It helps you acknowledge how you have shown courage, because consciously embracing an opportunity takes courage.  It also deepens your connections with people when you share a happy event, and inspires them to embrace their own opportunities.

5.  Expect something wonderful to happen.  The expectation of a positive outcome goes a long way to getting just that in your business (and your life!).  You always ultimately get what you expect.  That expectation plays a role in fashioning outcomes, whether it’s through your attitude or your ability to see what’s before you.  You get to choose.  You can decide what to expect.  Expect serendipity, and you will find it.  Expect something wonderful, and it will show up.  Guaranteed.

I’m thinking now that my participation in the June conference panel is also a little piece of serendipity J.  This opportunity lets me be part of something new and different.  Something I never would have envisioned.

Who knows how it might unfold?  Who I might meet?  What other opportunities might present themselves as a result?

What I do know is that if I keep myself open to serendipity, something wonderful will happen!


Are there ways you could invite serendipity in your business?

Is there anything presenting itself to you right now in your business that might be an amazing opportunity?

I’d love to hear about it!

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