Over the years, I’ve noticed something really interesting about my clients in our work on their impact. Their vision for impact has roots that extend back into childhood and even beyond, into the realm of the experiences of their ancestors.

The roots of your impact are based on what helped to form you. That includes your own experiences, as well as those of your ancestors, and society as a whole. All of those influences have come together to make you who you are today. Your vision for impact arises out of who you are now.

Just as the roots of your impact can be multigenerational and societal, what’s keeping you from that impact also includes a collective experience. For women and those perceived as women, that’s the collective experience of fear and oppression that continues to keep us silent and unheard. Invalidation by patriarchal culture of feminine gifts like intuition, embodiment, and healing play a role in creating unseen barriers.

I’m telling you all that because it can feel like:

  1. your impact is a loose cannon to some people, coming out of nowhere, which makes it hard to garner support and collaborators.
  2. all the work you’ve done on your mindset and other forms of personal development don’t seem to be enough to make having impact easier.

That’s why doing the work of deeply exploring your impact in the Impact Breakthrough program is so valuable: YOU get the solid foundation you need to understand the genesis of your own impact vision. That makes you less dependent on what others think of it.

It’s also important to recognize that the work of impact isn’t all personal. It’s also societal. That’s where your own impact comes in. You can effect change that makes your own path easier. Even as you work through personal issues that allow you to have more impact, you can influence society through your business’ social and environmental impact. Just look at the societal shifts that environmental activist Greta Thunberg and the founders of the #metoo movement have wrought, as two examples.

When you do that work of impact, you get access to wealth. Not just financial wealth, although that’s important for you and your business, but also the wealth of fulfillment, meaningful work, good relationships, healthy surroundings, and a vigorous body.

The roots of your impact vision offer you valuable gifts. When you open them, you have another key to that wealth.





p.s. To access these keys, start your impact breakthrough with a Business Impact Assessment. You’ll clarify where you are now, and what you need to do next. Give yourself the gift of that conversation.

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