Episode 192: Ara Katz

Ara Katz

Serial entrepreneur Ara Katz joins us on the podcast to share her startup experiences and her courageous methods for creating a company culture that encourages authentic communication.


Ara’s breastfeeding experience led her to the microbiome and inspired a personal mission to explore the importance of microbes and how they can impact the health of our bodies, our children and our planet. A serial entrepreneur, Ara previously Co-Founded and served as CMO of Spring, mobile commerce marketplace. Ara was also on the Founding Team of social commerce company, BeachMint, where she launched six direct-to-consumer, influencer subscription brands.

Ara has been a fellow at the MIT Media Lab’s Center for Future Storytelling and CCA’s DesignMBA program, and was named in Marie Claire’s “The New Guard: The 50 Most Influential Women in America”, listed on Business Insider’s “Silicon Alley Top 100” and “36 Rockstar Women in NYC Tech”, and was recently included in Create + Cultivate’s 100 List for STEM.

Ara also advises various startups across the health, tech, and consumer verticals. She lives in Venice, California with her husband and two-year-old son, Pax–without whom Seed wouldn’t exist. Oh, and she’s the proud owner of several tardigrades who now live at Harvard’s Museum of Natural History.

Ara Katz shares about impact on the Work Alchemy podcast today!Click To Tweet

3 Key Points

  1. Tell your story with clarity. When you speak clearly, you cut through the noise of a crowded market and stand out.
  2. Give regular feedback, take regular feedback, and be a transparent leader.
  3. Incessantly search for truthfulness and accountability.


Ask yourself, “[Can] I create a company that reflects how I wish the world was more?”

What We Talked About

In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • 01:30 – On becoming an entrepreneur
  • 02:20 – Does being an entrepreneur give you more impact than other career paths?
  • 04:05 – What is your definition of hustle? How can you be mindful while hustling?
  • 06:23 – Introduction to Seed Health
  • 10:15 – On cutting through the noise
  • 12:48 – How did you balance product development and distribution?
  • 16:45 – How does a non-scientist lead a science-focused company?
  • 20:00 – Co-founder and co-CEO dynamics
  • 24:15 – On how to instill a healthy and forward-thinking company culture
  • 32:30 – How have you consciously developed your own leadership?
  • 37:00 – Funding in a high-capital, high-risk, high-regulation industry

Actionable Tips

  1. Explore your principles; know what guides you.
  2. Detach from the notion that there’s only one way to do something.
  3. Double down on your path.

Resources Mentioned

Resources for Your Business

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Ursula Jorch, Host of The Impact Interviews

Ursula Jorch is a business coach, speaker, and podcaster who shows women leaders how to turn their businesses into profitable agents for lasting change, global impact, and a force for good in the world.

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