5 Strategies to Increase Your Productivity

Increase Your ProductivityGoals without action are only dreams. The only way you can bring your business dreams to life and have a positive impact in the world is to take action.

To be productive and not just active, here are 5 strategies used by the most productive people on the planet. They’ll focus and empower you each day:

1. Daily Priorities

When you’re creating your Get-to-Do list for the day, define your top 3 priorities. It’s even better if you pick a single priority to focus on and complete.

That focus will give you a sense of completion and satisfaction that is motivating. It energizes you for the next day.

Your Impact In Action

Define at least 1 and no more than 3 priorities for the day.
Put them in order of impact on your business.

Best practice tip: Make this list of your 1-3 priorities the day before. End your work day by creating your priority list for the next day. By doing this list in advance, you’ll be able to step into your new day with action instead of trying to figure out what to do. That creates momentum and energy!

2. Do the Most Impactful Activity First

Each day, define which of your 3 priorities is most impactful in your business and beyond. Then do that one first.

No matter what else happens that day, you’ll have achieved one thing that is impactful. It reinforces your resolve and builds confidence.

Your Impact In Action

Do what is most impactful first.

Best practice tip: Spend at least the first 20 minutes of your day doing the most impactful thing you plan for that day. Set a timer if you have other things to complete after your first most impactful activity. If you choose to allow yourself more time, or if you can allow time to complete it, even better!

3. Put Consistency to Work for You

Develop your own personal daily ritual to begin your day. Your ritual can include exercise, meditation, reading something uplifting, and even a great breakfast. My ritual is 10 minutes of Pilates and stretching, cooking and eating a healthy breakfast, 10 minutes of sitting or movement meditation, and 15 minutes of reading an inspiring book.

When you make the start to your day consistent and energizing, you have a firm foundation to achieve your goals.

Your Impact In Action

Create and use your daily ritual to ground and empower you.

Best practice tip: Print or write out the steps in your daily ritual and post them where you can see them. Even if you’re busy that day and can only fit in each step in your ritual for a few minutes, that’s ok. Do all the steps each day. That helps make your practice solid. Get up a little early if you have to in order to maintain this practice.

4. Give Yourself a Break!

Rejuvenation is key to maintaining your energy. You don’t have to wait for a vacation to rejuvenate! You can build it into every day.

Working in time segments and then taking a short break on a regular basis keeps you fresh and present to your work. Find a time interval that works best for you, during which you can remain alert and productive. For example, I use 50 minutes, followed by a 10 minute break. Experiment and find an interval that works for you.

I used to be one of those hyper-focused people who worked for hours at a stretch and thought that taking breaks would interrupt my flow. When I first tried this strategy, I found the opposite to be true. I was more focused, more creative, and got more done when I took breaks.

Your Impact In Action

Work in time segments, then take a break.

Best practice tip: During your break periods, do something completely different from your work. Sing. Walk. Declutter a drawer. Step outside and enjoy a bird’s song. Or lie down, close your eyes, and do nothing. Whatever it is, doing (or non-doing) a different activity will be more rejuvenating.

5. March to Your Own (Time) Drummer

We all have times of day when we work best. If you’re not sure, ask someone who lives with you or knows you well. They’ll be able to tell you when you’re at your best!

Whether you’re a morning person like me, or more of a night owl, one of the gifts of being an entrepreneur is that you can determine your own schedule.

Find the best time of day for you, and schedule your most important priorities so that you work on them in that time period.

Your Impact In Action

Do your most impactful activities when you can be most present.

Best practice tip: Set up your schedule to recognize your most impactful times of day. Schedule important appointments and activities during your best times.

Your goals and desired impact are important. Give them the opportunity to come to life by taking consistent and smart action using these strategies!


To put these strategies into action, click here for your Alchemy Assignment!


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