10 Best Biz Books For Your Holiday Reading

Woman reading a huge book has a good ideaBooks can be a fabulous and fun way to expand your world. OK, I’m speaking as a person who loves to read. But I also feel that way because books are an introduction into other worlds. Other people’s awarenesses and perspectives.

And that can help you solve problems, create new offerings, and give you something interesting to talk about with your clients and prospects. All good stuff, right?

I read a lot. At least 2 books a month, often more. I’ve been inspired so many times while reading. The author’s experience becomes my shared experience, a connection.

Here are 10 of the best business books I’ve read in recent years. A reading list for the holidays. I hope they inspire you too.

  1. The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy. The focus of this book is to convince you of a simple principle: little things add up. I talk to people about this often as a coach, but it can be hard to convince yourself of it until you start putting it into action. We tend to put more value on the grand gesture. Darren Hardy is a hugely successful entrepreneur who has chosen to put his considerable energy to use in educating people about entrepreneurship. In this book, he shares so many examples of this principle in action, you’ll walk away excited about the little things that you can do every day in your business.
  1. Show Your Work! by Austin Kleon. Austin Kleon is a creator. What he creates now includes small format books with images and illustrations. Quick reads that pack a lot of message. In this book, Austin tackles how marketing has changed. Online, you need to be authentically you as much as you do in person. Sharing your work as it’s evolving is a great way to do that, and Austin gives great guidelines for how to do it.
  1. The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg. So much of what we do day-to-day is habit. Habits can determine whether you succeed. Or fail. Bad habits can be hard to break. And good habits take time and effort to develop. Charles turns the research about habits into conscious steps you can take to develop new habits that serve you and your business.
  1. Story by Robert McKee. This hefty volume by a premier screenwriter teaches you essential elements of storytelling and how to do it well. Stories are at the heart of your marketing. The compelling stories you tell help your prospects and clients relate to you and connect with you. That puts you on the road to sales. I admit, it takes some stamina to read this book, but the messages in it are universal, on a deep level. And it will help you tell much better stories.
  1. Strengthsfinder 2.0 by Tom Rath. Knowing yourself well will make you a better business person. This book comes with an online test to find out what your strengths are. This isn’t your usual list. The strengths you’ll find here will give you more insights into yourself. The book combined with online resources will start you thinking about how to apply your strengths in your business, adding to your unique advantage.
  1. Grit by Angela Duckworth. The subtitle, The Power of Passion and Perseverance, sums up what you’ll learn. What the subtitle doesn’t tell you is that this hard-edged book is personal. Angela’s experience will convince you that grit, not talent or luck, makes all the difference. And it can be learned. Read the book to find out how.
  1. Rising Strong by Brene Brown. Courage isn’t just about trying new things, even with the fear of failure looming over you. Courage is also about getting back up after failure knocks you down. Not only will reading this book help you get back up, it will also inspire you to learn more about who you are.
  1. Never Eat Alone by Keith Ferrazzi and Tahl Raz. Keith Ferrazzi is a guy with a huge network of contacts. He’s used them to pave the way to an Ivy League education, obtain top executive posts, and build his own remarkably successful business. In this book, he’ll let you know how to create your own network, and teach you the mindset that he uses to create and nurture his. I’m a pretty good connector, but this guy is a master.
  1. The Art of Asking by Amanda Palmer. This unique performance artist was a pioneer in online list building. Somewhat by accident. She has created a dedicated community that attend her concerts, even when they’re spontaneous pop-ups, and conduct one of the most successful crowdfunding campaigns ever. Amanda learned how to fearlessly move through her own barriers to ask for help. It’ll help you think about what you ask for both in and outside of your business. Are you asking enough?
  1. The E-Myth Revisited by Michael Gerber. This classic helped me realize that what I was creating when I first started my business was not a business after all, but a series of jobs. It’s the ultimate book about the difference between working IN your business vs. working ON your business. Knowing the difference will help you grow your business in a productive way.

Set yourself up for success in the coming year. Add these books to your holiday reading list and beyond.


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